The Stories

. . . bedtime reading for bad boys and girls

What's new

Last update: 27th October (The Monsters Under the Bed)
Previous update: 12th July (The 2009 Unwin Memorial Lecture, Fire Down Below)

Stories by Cobweb

Cobweb's page, including her inimitably twisted take on genre staples, Ross and Jerry, and Fran and Nick is only a click away...

Stories by the Gnome

All the most recent stories by the Gnome are here.

More stories by the Gnome may be found here because the Gnome is too bloody lazy to transfer them to this site, for the moment at least. Of course, Cobweb will have something to say about it—but then you'll find Cobweb always has something to say about things. Ignore her, as long as you're safely out of range.

Joint Efforts

Otherwhen - a postmodern, proto-mediaeval romp through the fields of Faery and points West

Team Trials - we promised you rugby players, this delivers them in scads.

click on our names at the bottom to send us feedback - we love feedback!

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All material © , 2011